Welcome at Saint-Anthème, a little town in the Puy-de-Dôme, located on the border of the Loire council at 950 meter above sea level, halfway between Ambert and Montbrison, just 30 Km away from the freeway (A72), 60 km away from Saint-Etienne and about 100km away from Lyon and Clermont-Ferrand.
Saint Anthème is on the western side of the Auvergne council and of the Livradois Forez Regional Park, and offers a different landscape to discover for each season through the Hautes Chaumes along both walking and cycling paths.
Located in the Ance valley, the town benefits from a climate that’s particularly favorable to rest and fresh-air treatment (we rarely have fog).
Welcome at the Hôtel des Voyageurs. This hotel-restaurant Haste has been located by the village square for over a century, and through the years has managed to modernize its amenities to offer customers the best stay: swimming pool, sauna, Jacuzzi, rec room…
Welcome at Michelle and Serge Colomb’s, your hosts, who will help you discover their region and its hidden treasures, they will share with you the passion they have for Auvergne. To top the pleasure of the discovery or of leisure, Serge will make you appreciate his traditional cuisine and an exceptional selection of great wines.